Google announces latest fiber cities

Google has [announced the newest cities]( areas.html) to get Google ![]( HI/AAAAAAAAASc/0GoAo0Uqjwk/s1600/Expansion_plans_web_v2_large.png) Fiber gigabit service. The cities are: Nashville Charlotte Raleigh-Durham Atlanta Unfortunately, I am not in an existing or upcoming Google Fiber city. [Read More]

Linux glibc vulnerabiltiy - GHOST

Security company, Qualys, has discovered a Linux [glibc vulnerability]( vulnerabilities/2015/01/27/the-ghost-vulnerability) that they have named “GHOST” (because it is a gethostbyname vulnerability) with a cute logo included as well. ![]( /ghost-vulnerability.svg) [Read More]

GoDaddy hosting not responsive to Drupalgeddon.

GoDaddy hosting is not responsive to [Drupalgeddon]( CORE-2014-005). I might as well manage my own site. Time to move to AWS. Update: Move to AWS completed over the holiday break. Now I have to work on putting together a better theme. [Read More]

Setting up Android ADT on Ubuntu 13.10

These are just a few notes of the 32bit libraries that I had to install to get the Android AVD (emulators) to run on Ubuntu 13.10 x64. sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32bz2-1. [Read More]

Google Serious about Home Automation

Google has spoken at past I/O conferences about home automation (aka [Android@Home]( home-framework/)). With the purchase of Nest, it looks like they are $3.2 billion dollars serious about it. [Here is The Verge article](http://www. [Read More]

New Release of Noobs v1.3.3

A new version of Noobs is available for your Raspberry Pi.

Update your Pi or make sure that your new Christmas gift has the latest.